This EP opportunity is ideally suited for a top trained physician who seeks to be near Knoxville, TN - a community of 200,000 with easy access to the Smokey Mountains.
You know that your talents and skills warrant a strong salary and exciting bonus structure for high income potential. A robust and comprehensive Benefits package, loan repayment, Sign-on Bonus and Relocation allowance and opportunity to work with advanced technology like Gamma Knife.
You picture yourself living in a Knoxville community that enjoys a variety of neighborhoods that will suit any type of living. The city has served as the hub of the region since its founding on 1791. The best of its Appalachian heritage remains today - a strong work ethic, a family-centered community, and an intense respect for the natural beauty that envelops the region.
The median home value in the Knoxville market is S134,200. The median price of homes currently listed in Knoxville is around $209,900. This desirable community has homes of 3,023 Square Ft. 4 Bedrooms/4 Baths with an estimated value of around $300,000's.
The Employer has a tremendous reputation as being committed to its staff of doctors and medical professionals, providing exceptional compensation, a life and career balance and dedicated to long term retention of its key physician personnel.